ایرانیان نیازی به قیمیت ملایان تازی ندارند
با قیام ملی خود برای آزادی ایران کوشا باشیم

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Jews Have Hoarded All the Wealth in One Place, and All the World are Their Slaves
"According to this Islamic religious authority, 'at present the Jews' policies threaten us. One should explain in the clearest terms the danger the Jews pose to the ""Islam "" anld to the Muslims. Ever since ( Islam's appearance), the group that expressed fierce opposition to Islam – and still acts in this fashion – were the Jews. They were involved in the Khaybar, Uhud, and Ahzab wars.' He added: 'Already from the beginning the Jews wanted to hoard the world's goods in [their] greed and voracity. They always worked in important professions and now they have hoarded all of the wealth in one place. And all of the world, especially America and Europe, are their slaves.'"

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