Saturday, October 14, 2006 -
when the Iranian yong people are in deep short of school and education and sport facility in Iran and some times thy have even no food to eat.
Islamic regim in Tehran have taken the responsibility to build 60 schools in southern suburbs of Beirut and 40 others in Bekka province, already destroyed by the Quds occupying regime's army, IRNA reported.
Head of Iran's delegation, on a mission to Lebanon to monitor plementation of reconstruction projects in the country's devastated areas, Hessam Khoshnevis said on Friday that Iranian government also plans to provide the renovated schools with required facilities and equipment.
Iran is re-building four hospitals in Bekka province, five hospitals in southern suburbs of Beirut and 10 hospitals in southern Lebanon, six of which thus far been completed.
Khoshnevis noted that Iran is rebuilding and renovating 30 mosques, Hosseiniehs, Mosallas, and many other religious places in Bekka province, 20 religious centers in southern suburbs of Beirut and 50 ones in southern Lebanon, IRNA noted.
He made it clear that Iran's endeavor to rebuild the religious centers, including those of Shiites, Sunnis and Christians, has received positive reactions on part of the Lebanese people.
Iran will also rebuild main roads as well as eleven ruined bridges in that country.
The Iranian official said the projects are estimated to cost between dlrs 35 million and dlrs 50 million.
The unequal war on Lebanon killed about 1,300 Lebanese nationals, mostly women and children, leaving thousands of others either injured or disabled. About one million others were also rendered homeless as a result.
Furthermore, the war inflicted billions of dollars in damage on different economic sectors in Lebanon, including public places and buildings.
Iran and some Arab states have taken the responsibility to get directly involved in reconstruction of part of the devastated areas.
# posted by Free_Iran_Now : Saturday, October 14, 2006